outdoor shower surrounded by stone walls and greenery

The latest home remodeling trends in Charlotte metro

Spring has traditionally meant home shopping time, which means that many places post lists of what buyers are looking for right now. For those Charlotte Metro residents who are happy in their current home but considering an upgrade through remodeling, these lists can be insightful. You can use them as a guide to see which features are in demand and get new ideas, even if you plan on remaining in your home for many years to come.

A new list from Agent Advice, for example, looks at national and state-specific Google searches for home features and design elements. Perhaps not surprisingly on a spring list, ceiling fans got top mention, averaging 8,817 google searches a month. Kitchen islands and quartz countertops rounded out the Top 3. But while particular features are nice to note, we looked a little deeper to see which remodeling trends should be here to stay or are coming next. According to London-based WGSN, a global authority on consumer and design trends, here are a few things consumers will be focused on in 2025 and beyond that you might want to incorporate into your Charlotte home remodel today to stay ahead of the curve.

Sensorial Design Sparks Emotion

Ever been transported back to your grandma’s kitchen in your memory when you smell fresh-out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookies in a bakery? Then you’ve experienced a form of sensorial design. This design concept goes far beyond what you see to encompass your other senses and uses them to create a deeper level of emotional attachment to your lived space.

Smell is an obvious choice and can be accomplished through relatively simple additions like scented candles, air fresheners, live plants, or the addition of cedar paneling in a closet. Touch however, has tremendous power in the world of design. Whether it’s a reclaimed wood wall, a plush piece of furniture or a sleek steel accent tile, the power of touch to set the mood of a space can’t be underestimated. While more subtle, sound is another sense that’s relatively easy to incorporate in your remodel. Built-in sound systems or Bluetooth speakers are one method, while incorporating water features or wind elements that produce relaxing sounds are another.

The Power of the Outdoors

Speaking of nature, getting back to it will continue to be a trend in the coming years, with a slight twist. Charlotte homeowners want to live in nature, but we want all the amenities of modern living while we are out there. What that means in both global and Charlotte Metro outdoor living additions is a focus on luxurious amenities.

Pergolas and other intricate shade structures are regaining popularity, as are outdoor kitchens with all the bells and whistles. The surprising new additions in the mix are outdoor bathtubs and showers. Here in Carolina where most folks go to the beach or hang out on a lake, outdoor showers are becoming more of a norm. They are also practical around pools, since you and guests can quickly rinse off chemicals before stepping into the house. Outdoor bathtubs (other than hot tubs) are a relatively new concept in Charlotte. If you want to incorporate them, thoroughly think through issues like privacy, access during all seasons of the year, lighting, and storage space.

The Return of the Broken Plan?

After decades of open concept living, global designers are starting to see more people embracing broken plans. Broken plans are a hybrid between open-plan design and closed rooms. When used properly, they can bring better flow and cohesion to your space as well as added privacy in areas where you need it. Here in Charlotte, open living is still by far the most popular choice, but we are seeing small parts of floor plans begin to be broken off. The perfect example of this is the home office.

In the years since COVID, working from home has become much more the norm, which means that having a separate, functional workspace that is immune from interruptions is paramount. Some homeowners are doing that by creating home office additions that are away from main living areas, or isolating those that are not with extra wall and ceiling sound-proofing, solid-core doors, and carpet and padding designed to further isolate noise coming from living spaces below.

hallway with wooden ridged walls for texture

Aging and Living Gracefully

While Charlotte itself is a young city, it might surprise you to learn that a North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services report found that by 2028, 1 in 5 people in North Carolina will be 65 or older and that by 2031, there will be more senior citizens than people under 18 years old in our state. Whether you plan on staying in your own home or selling to this older base, this demographic shift calls for innovative designs that accommodate the physical and cognitive changes associated with aging, such as open floor plans, improved lighting, accessible design and even easy-to-reach kitchen appliances.

Moreover, there’s a growing recognition of the need to cater to the diverse needs of Charlotte residents with sensory, cognitive, physical, or developmental disabilities. Some furniture makers have pioneered solutions like color-adaptive tapestries and sensory-friendly furniture that considers the needs of individuals with autism or other sensory sensitivities. Clean and minimalistic design with ample storage to tuck unneeded items out of sight, sequential traffic flow, and the ability to section off rooms into task areas are some design features that might be appreciated. When well-thought-out, remodeling projects can empathize with homeowners’ needs while maintaining visual appeal. Expect a focus on inclusivity and accessibility to shape more of our design choices in the years ahead.

No matter what type of design you are contemplating, it can be incorporated into your Charlotte home remodeling project.

By Gary Palmer
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